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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Search to explore

Last night it occurred to me that name of my blog cant be search coz i dont know wat i m looking for. "Explore" suits it better than " Search" for my blog title. I can't push my self to define things or make them clear. may be i like foggy environs. I never liked to learn subjects from my best capabilities as i always lost my interest in things if i excelled "it". i have succeeded in most of my attempts. but i have always loved to excel  in............. :). Should i say it. didn't u guessed it till now?

Being Lazy dr
ok before i go on let me tell u difference between Search and Explore (


  • verb 1 try to find something by looking or otherwise seeking carefully and thoroughly. 2 examine (a place, vehicle, or person) thoroughly in order to find something or someone. 3 searching investigating very deeply: searching questions.
  • noun an act of searching.
  — PHRASES search me! informal I do not know.
  — DERIVATIVES searchable adjective searcher noun.
  — ORIGIN Old French cerchier, from Latin circare ‘go round’.


  • verb 1 travel through (an unfamiliar area) in order to learn about it. 2 inquire into or discuss in detail. 3 evaluate (a new option or possibility). 4 examine or scrutinize by searching through or touching.
  — DERIVATIVES exploration noun explorative adjective exploratory adjective explorer noun.
  — ORIGIN Latin explorare ‘search out’, from plorare ‘utter a cry’.

So now i have decided to change my blog name from Search to Explore. Coz i would define my self better as a explorer than a explorer. I don't know wat i m looking for but i just love learning things without any intent to excel them or use them any where in my life any time. I just want to lear things without nay reason or goal. Wanna learn them n move ahead to lay around and to look for new things that i can learn.

But now as i have moved to next level of my life and has started earning, i m afraid about life. How can i lead this nomad life further. I got to earn n lead a life of my own. i cant be supported. i need to be independent. not only that i m supposed to be but thats wat i want to be but i also want to be nomad. my hunger to learn. just learn not remember or use it. hmm.....
but it forces me to think that life cant be lead like this. but wat shall i do now. i fell torn into two different directions. 
I am sure direction less, but is it a bad? y is it so, y things or situations r termed as bad or good? its subjective then y every1 cares about wat society will think? wat does Independence mean? Only Financial? i crave for Social Independence. yes India has got independence Long time back in August 15, 1947. but i still feel trapped. i see citizens and Population of India trapped. Trapped in illusions created by brilliant but corrupt minds. Illusion of Independence, illusion of Freedom, Illusion of Development and on and on.............

can it be broken comes later. first thing is Shall it be broken? 

okay now i think i have got sum thing to wright in my next blog. lets c how does it go on? tell me about his one :)

Have a nice day all of You :)

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm... great thought dear... “Learning for the sake of Nothing”… it you might not be the first one to feel like this but there are more people like you than you think there is. So you are not an alien if you think like that. As far as Independence is concern, being Independent has nothing to do with governance. We thought that we were salves when we were ruled by Gora’s and felt sense of freedom when few handful of politician picked up the RAJ where Britishers have left. The fact is Independence is a state of consciousness rather than physical state. We all know that main reason we live in society is because we need each other to live. Along with came all those norms that we hate so much but obey it any way. But having said that one can depend on society for food, money and security (three most important things to survive) but still be Independent in your head. Who stops you to dream or think the way you want, so one has to differentiate between Survival and Independence.
